Founders Day Tea/Luncheon
Please see the information below:
*What: Founders Day Tea/Luncheon
*When: March 11, 2023 (after sorority meeting)
*Where: BCF Reception Center, 1956 Thurgood Marshall Highway,
Kingstree, SC (sorority meeting will be held at this location)
*Attire: Black (no pants) with red hat or red fascinator
*Cost: $25.00 for all sorors, including non-financial sorors who would like to attend.
Sorors are asked to please pay your $25.00 for the Founders Day Tea/Luncheon at the February meeting (February 11th). We need to have a count of the number of sorors who will be attending the luncheon by the end of the February meeting. We look forward to your attendance.
LaTonya Parker, Chair
Founders Day Committee
Barbara McCrea, Co-Chair
Founders Day Committee